Warm Winter Breakfasts: Recipes for Hot Porridge and Stews to Go with It

Warm Winter Breakfasts: Recipes for Hot Porridge and Stews to Go with It

Warm winter breakfast: recipes for hot porridge and accompanying stews

On a chilly winter morning, a hot breakfast is definitely the warmest way to start the day. Hot porridge with accompanying stew not only warms the body, but also provides the energy and nutrients needed for the day. Next, let’s explore a few easy-to-make hot porridge and stew recipes that will fill you with happiness in winter.

1. Classic Lean Pork Congee with Skinny Eggs


  • Rice 100g
  • Lean meat 150g
  • Skinny egg 2 pcs
  • Ginger 3 slices
  • Salt and chicken essence in moderation

Preparation steps:

  1. Wash the rice in advance and soak for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut the lean meat into thin shreds and marinate for 10 minutes with cooking wine, soya sauce and a pinch of salt.
  3. Peel the shells of the eggs and cut into small pieces.
  4. Pour the soaked rice and water into a pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low.
  5. When the rice grains start to cook and the surface becomes sticky, add the shredded pork.
  6. When the shredded pork turns white, add the preserved egg and ginger and continue to cook until the porridge thickens.
  7. Finally, add salt and chicken seasoning to taste, and turn off the heat when it boils.

This skin egg and lean meat porridge is delicious, the unique flavour of the skin egg and the tenderness of the lean meat is a perfect combination of nutritious, very suitable for winter mornings.

2. Pumpkin and red bean porridge


  • Rice 50g
  • Pumpkin 200g
  • Red bean 50g
  • Sugar

Preparation steps:

  1. soak the red bean for a few hours in advance until it swells.
  2. Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces, clean the millet.
  3. Place the red beans in a pot, add enough water, boil over high heat and then turn to low heat and cook slowly.
  4. When the red beans are half-cooked, add the millet and pumpkin pieces. 5.
  5. Continue to cook until the pumpkin and red beans are cooked, and the porridge is thick. 6.
  6. according to personal taste add appropriate amount of sugar to taste.

Pumpkin and red bean porridge is golden in colour, sweet and soft, and the combination of red bean and millet increases the nutritional value of the porridge, which is a delicious and healthy breakfast choice.

3. Black Bean Rib Stew


  • Ribs 300g
  • Black beans 100g
  • Ginger 3 slices
  • Wine moderate amount
  • Salt and pepper in moderation

Preparation steps:

  1. Soak black beans overnight in advance, blanch spare ribs.
  2. Put the ribs into a pot, add appropriate amount of water, put ginger and cooking wine, boil over high heat and skim off the foam.
  3. Soak the black beans and add them to the pot, and turn the heat down to simmer.
  4. stew until the ribs meat is soft, black beans cooked, add salt and pepper to taste.

Black bean ribs stew is rich in flavour, ribs meat is delicious, black beans tonic kidney and strong body, suitable for winter nourishment and health.

4. Lotus Root Ribs Soup


  • Ribs 300g
  • Lotus root 250g
  • 3 slices of ginger
  • Salt

Making steps:

  1. Wash the ribs and blanch them to remove the blood, peel and slice the lotus root.
  2. Put the ribs, lotus root and ginger slices into a soup pot and add enough water.
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn down to low heat and cook slowly for 1-2 hours.
  4. Cook until the lotus root is soft and the pork ribs are tender, season with salt to taste.

Lotus root rib soup is sweet and nourishing, suitable for breakfast with porridge to help strengthen the body’s resistance.

5. Job’s tears and red dates porridge


  • Rice 50g
  • Job’s tears 30g
  • 10 red dates
  • Fructus Lycium barbarum
  • Sugar

Preparation steps:

  1. Wash the rice and barley in advance, and remove the core of red dates.
  2. Put the rice, barley, red dates and water into a pot.
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook slowly until the rice grains are swollen and the red dates are soft.
  4. Cook until the porridge is thick, add wolfberries and the right amount of sugar to taste.

Job’s tears and jujube porridge is sweet and soft, Job’s tears can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, jujube blood and tranquillity, very suitable for winter breakfast.

6. purple potato corn porridge


  • Rice 50g
  • Purple potato 1
  • Corn 1
  • Sugar

Preparation steps:

  1. Clean the rice, peel and cut the purple potato into pieces, and peel the corn.
  2. Put all ingredients into a pot and add enough water.
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook slowly until the porridge thickens.

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